These are the tools/resources/guides I used for the project (V3) that I would like to mention. Please check the respective package.json
for all the packages.
- Next.js - Is really the core of the project and dictated alot of the design structure and allowed for some really neat things such as server side rendering.
- React - The library that Next.js uses. React is amazing. Theres really nothging more that I can say other then that.
- Material UI - While having a functional website is cool, having a nice looking one is also good.
- Express - Makes web servers in Node.js really easy
- React-Hook-Forms - Makes form creation really easy and helped with allowing for modular forms for Catalogs.
- MongoDB Atlas - Which is a Cloud MongoDB service by MongoDB which removes one extra thing that I dont have to worry about.
- Mongoose - For adding Object Relation Modeling to a NoSQL database like MongoDB.
- Auth0 - Which allows for Oauth login with Gmail and other services and removes one other thing that I dont have to worry about since they handle security for me.
- Docusaurus V2 - Which is the package that created this site that you are reading on. Its pretty cool and looks really nice.
- Commander - Which makes making CLI's easy
- Inquirer - For making getting user input in a CLI easy.
- TypeScript - For allowing me to use new JavaScript features before they come out, adding static typing and helping me catch a few errors before hand.
- unDraw - For cool art (used on docs site).
- manypixels - For cool art (used on docs site).
- jest for unit testing
- eslint for linting
- prettier for making the code look nicer
- react-json-pretty for showing json data in a page.
- express-validator for body/param/query validation.
- Brad Traversy - He is a YouTuber that does videos on programming topics, mostly webdev. He has a repo here about building a backend with node.js for a fullstack prokject and a udemy course for it here. He also has a video/guide on node js deployment here with instructions here