
A major change in the v3 Dashboard is the structure of the database. More models where added to help with performance and creating queries.


I will draw comparisions from MongoDB to SQL terms. Starting from the bottom,

  • Row in SQL is called a Document in MongoDB.

    • For example we have a Document for image P25959661.jpg
  • Table in SQL is called a Collection in MongoDB.

    • For example we have a Collection for all images
  • Schema in SQL is a Namespace in MongoDB.

    • For example we have a Namespace called dev or one called production.


The following are the TypeScript interfaces for each model. If a key has a ? next to it means its optional.


The Catalog object is the overarching model that contains the archives which in turn contains the images. It also contains the questions that are applied to all images of archives that are part of this catalog. This is the types of the Catalog.

Catalog model
export interface CatalogDocument extends Document {
dateAdded?: Date
name: string
path: {
original: string
compressed?: string
//This is here so that any path can be added, for example like gradcam or aux paths
[id: string]: string
catalogInfo?: CatalogInfo
taggable: boolean
questionSet: ObjectID | string
imageServeOrder?: {
type?: 'random' | 'sequential'
data?: any
totalImages?: number
updateImageCount(): Promise<void> //Function to update totalImages

There is a new noteable field called imageServeOrder that defines how to serve imags. By default it is "random" however if the json file used for import via the CLI is like so

"gradcam": "XXX",
"aux": "XXX"
"year": 2020,
//This part right here
"data": {
//archive name

Then images of archive1 will be assigned in that order (image1 is assigned first, then image2 then image3 and so on). NOTE


If there are other archives such as archive2 that isnt defined then that archive will use random assignment.


These are subfolders of the Catalogs and is originally in place due to how the NOAA images where downloaded. They serve no other purpose other then to group images up and serve as a link between Catalogs and Images

Archive model
export interface ArchiveDocument extends Document {
dateAdded?: Date
name: string
path: {
original: string
compressed?: string
catalog: ObjectID
taggable: boolean
totalImages?: number
updateImageCount(): Promise<void> //function to update totalImages


The Image models most important fields are the tags, the tillComplete and taggable fields. A major change is the tillComplete,finalTag,finishedTagging,and tags fields have been removed

Image model
export interface ImageDocument extends Document {
archive: ObjectID
dateAdded?: Date
name: string
path: {
original: string
compressed?: string
taggable: boolean

Question Set

Of the current models, the question set is the only one that is NOT checked. It serves simply as a guideline for admins to use. Due to this nature it is HIGHLY reccomended to make sure the documents for Question Sets are correct and is best to copy an existing one

Question Set model
export interface QuestionSetDocument extends Document {
name: string
description: string
questions: any[] | QuestionSetQuestions[]

These are some Typescript type annotations to help understand the structre of each question type. Anything with ?: means its optional, else its required

There are 4 types of questions, Radio,Checkbox,Quick submit button and Textfield.

type QuestionSetQuestions = TextFieldQuestion | ButtonSubmitQuestion | CheckboxQuestion | RadioQuestion
type RadioQuestion = {
type: "radioGroup",
required: boolean,
label: string,
docLink: string,
key: string,
errorMessage: string,
//This means array of json objects, with each object having a name and value
buttons: {
name: string,
value: string
type CheckboxQuestion = {
type: "checkboxGroup",
required: boolean,
label: string,
docLink: string,
key: string,
errorMessage: string,
min?: number,
max?: number
buttons: {
name: string,
value: string
//This spacing is option. If you have this, it makes it so that the checkboxes
//show up in a nice organized grid pattern. For example you would something like
//spacing: {lg:3} which is probably the best one the number has to be
//between 1 and 12 (1 usually doesnt work) and the lg,md,sm,and xs is a breakpoint.
//lg is large, it will apply the spacing on large screens, if the screen gets
//smaller then it doesnt apply it and so the checkboxes try to just fit
//on the screen rather then try to be organized in straight columns and rows.
| {
lg: number
| {
md: number
| {
sm: number
| {
xs: number
type ButtonSubmitQuestion = {
type: "buttomSubmit",
required: boolean,
label: string,
docLink: string,
key: string,
buttons: {
label: string,
tag: any,
key: string
type TextFieldQuestion = {
type: 'textField'
required: boolean
label: string
docLink: string
key: string
multiline: boolean
rows: number


Finally there is the user model which is more or less the same

User model
export interface UserDocument extends Document {
username: string
catalogs: [ObjectID]
dateAdded: Date
roles: string[]
userId: string

Assigned Image

This is one of the newer models. It serves to store the currerntly assigned image of a (user,archive) pair. This model requires that imageId,archiveId,userId be given. The remaining fields are automatically created

Assigned Image model
export interface AssingedImageDocument extends Document {
imageId: ObjectID
catalogId?: ObjectID
archiveId?: ObjectID
userId: ObjectID
date: Date
archive?: ArchiveDocument
catalog?: CatalogDocument


Another new model. This model takes the data from the tags field of an image and places each tag as a new entry. This is done for many reasons. Firsty it makes it easy to get a list of images that have been tagged, since every entry is a tag of an image that has been tagged. It also ensures that certain pieces of information are recorded such as userId and imageId

Tag model
export interface TagDocument extends Document {
imageId: ObjectID
catalogId?: ObjectID
archiveId?: ObjectID
userId: ObjectID
tags?: any
date: Date
ignoreFields?: string[]
image?: ImageDocument


This is global messages to show to users.

Notification model
export interface NotificationDocument extends Document {
message: string
dateAdded: Date

It just has a message and the date of the message. On the home page it shows the recent message as the top one. The message can even have html and css inside it, for example like so.

Example notification
"dateAdded": "2020-10-19T02:50:20.406+00:00",
"message": "<a href='/#123' style='text-decoration: none; color: #ffe59e'>test</a>."


As mentioned before Namespaces are like Schemas in SQL. Generally there are 3, a dev namespace,a production namespace and test namespace.